The Québec Government Office Will Actively Support The Summit

A welcome sponsorship!

We are delighted to have the enthusiastic support from the Québec Government, who continuously promotes the 2nd World Summit on Accessible Tourism! The Québec Government Office in Brussels also supports the welcome cocktail reception that will take place at the Summit’s venue, The Egg Conference & Meeting Center in Brussels on 30 September 2018, at 18.00‒20.00.

Québec has put a great deal of effort into making tourist sites and services accessible to visitors with special needs. The province is vast with numerous natural and cultural attractions. None of which should be off limits to anyone with a disability.

Inaugurated in 1972, the Québec Government Office in Brussels seeks to promote Québec and its interests in Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, as well as within other institutions throughout the European Union.

Québec, an exciting province, accessible to all

“Québec for all is a database of over 1,700 tourism and cultural organizations and businesses assessed by Kéroul and certified fully or partially accessible, spread across 21 regions of Québec.

Looking for an inspiring, authentic and accessible destination? You’ve come to the right place!

Québec For All (new window)

Register now to take part in the Summit and make sure not to miss the welcome reception on 30 September 2018. It promises to be a wonderful evening thanks to the support of the Québec Government Office.

Don’t miss the welcome reception, register to the Summit (new window)