New! Announcing The #dfa2018 Special Bloggers Roundtable

Make the most of this opportunity 

Learn how to help your organisation to stay ahead of the curve in the tourism and travel sector thanks to the experiences of people with disabilities. Join us to unlock the secrets of online communities and channels!

This session will be moderated by one of the largest accessible travel websites, blogger John Morris and led by a number of renowned bloggers, digital marketing and social media strategists.

  • What information do bloggers transmit to convince their peers?
  • What is important in their messages? How do they manage the contents?
  • What do they particularly like about their travels? What are they looking for?

You can only win by joining this unmissable roundtable discussion, and we hope to see you there!

The detailed programme for this session is in gestation. Stay tuned for more information.

About John Morris (new window)

The session will be held on 1-2 October in Brussels as part of Destinations for All 2018.

View the programme-at-a-glance (new window)