Learn Best Practices Through Listening: More New Resources And Audios Now Available

On this website, we have now added a considerable number of experts’ audio files and long versions of their presentations that took place during the 2nd World Summit on Accessible Tourism in Brussels last October. These resources are all designed to assist organizations and individuals in making changes for people with disabilities or impairments.

Here’s to audio files and long versions of the Summit presentations

Some recent add-ons to the website:

Predicting and preparing tomorrow’s accessible tourism

The personal attendant for leisure (PAL) card: a tool to support the participation of people with disabilities in recreational, cultural and tourism activities

“AusZeit”- apartments with care concept

Accelerator of inclusion and mobility for territories

Introductory remarks by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Creating sensory gardens and paths as outdoor sites for people with visual impairments

“Passeur de sens” : accessibility in the cultural and touristic fields to improve quality of life

Click here to find out other proceedings, presentations and audio files from other experts